Artemis Fowl receives an urgent e-mail from Russia. In it is a plea from a man who has been kidnapped by the Russian Mafiya: his father. As Artemis rushes to his rescue, he is stopped by a familiar nemesis, Captain Holly Short of the LEPrecon Unit. Now, instead of battling the fairies, Artemis must join forces with them if he wants to save one of the few people in the world he loves.

Review by Dale: St Patricks Day is a fitting day to publish a review of an Irish Author and the second book in the Artemis Fowl series is a cracking good choice. This book picks up not long after the events of the first book. The same old friends are back, that outrageous dwarf with the impressive bowl motions is again gracing the pages. He is a personal favorite character of mine.
All the goodies are back only this time some goodies are badies and some badies are goodies and some badies become goodies and some goodies seem bad but are really good or bad maybe? Confused yet? It will all make sense when you start reading. If you, like me, loved the first book then you wont be wanting in book two. I dont want to give away the plot but let's just say it thickens..
Best for ages 10+
Format: eBook Arc
Available from Book Depository
Book Depository
page count: 227 (appx)
Author: Eoin Colfer
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